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[RAIDER] Application

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:58 am
by rezzyk
Post a new topic with [RAIDER] and then your character name, class and spec!

EXAMPLE: [RAIDER] Rezzyk, Holy Paladin

Then copy and paste the questions below and answer them!

Character Information
Class & Primary Spec:
Secondary Spec?:
World of Logs/WOW Web Stats link:

How long have you played this character at level 100?
Do you have any level 90+ alts? If so, what classes?

What are your two primary professions?

What are your relevant, self buffed, raiding gear stats?
What are your relevant, self buffed stats in your alternate spec(s)?

Summarize Raid Experience:

Guild Information
Current guild and reason for leaving:
Leadership positions in your previous guilds?

Why do you want to join DWP?
Why should DWP accept you?
Do you know someone in DWP?
Where did you hear about us? What website if any?

Raid Information
Do you have Ventrilo, a boss timer (DBM/BigWigs/DXE) and Omen installed?
Do you have a working mic? If not, why?

Consumables and reagents are mandatory for progression content. What do you bring to every raid?

What nights can you raid from 6:00pm to 9:00pm server time?
Would you have a problem being asked to stay 30 minutes past raid time?
Do you anticipate your schedule to change anytime soon?
Are there any days you cannot play at all?
Ideally, how many nights a week would you like to raid?

Do you have time to farm the necessary consumables and repair money?

Pop Quiz
Why do you play WOW? What keeps you playing?
What motivates you most about raiding?

Do you own a microwave? Does it impair your internet connection?

Real Information
Real Life Age:
Real Life Location:
Are you gainfully employed? Doing what?

Any last words?